Teaching Survival Tactics in Schools

Feb 24, 2022

Survival skills should be taught as part of the curriculum if education prepares pupils for the real world. Regardless, it’s likely that some graduating classes will soon require these abilities. Let’s look at the previous centuries for guidance on what skills our children should learn if society doesn’t go quite as planned.


It was during World War II that the federal government enlisted the help of citizens to plant “Victory Gardens,” which allowed them to supply their troops with as much fresh produce as possible. After the war, many individuals continued to do this, making them considerably more self-reliant than they are now.

People stood in soup lines merely to get a bite to eat and remain alive a few years earlier, during the Great Depression. There is a stark contrast between these two periods. Yet we are more like those who couldn’t sustain themselves during the Great Depression than those who cultivated Victory Gardens.

We will likely face a financial meltdown as large as the Great Depression, given the status of our economy. To feed one’s family, one must cultivate a vegetable garden. Others will be forced to rely on public assistance.

Animal Care and Welfare

As a result of industrialization, the United States has become a more industrialized nation. Previously, the bulk of people were subsistence farmers who raised food and livestock on their land. Animal husbandry is an essential life-saving skill in the event of a collapse of society or a breakdown of supply lines.

Safety and marksmanship with firearms

It used to be that the only meat a family could eat on the frontier was the meat they had killed themselves. Even though there isn’t enough wildlife left in the country to feed the country’s expanding population, the capacity to hunt boosts the prospects of our children’s survival.

Our youngsters need to be able to shoot accurately to defend themselves. Nearly all criminal activity rises during severe calamities. Children may one day be forced to protect themselves in the face of adversity.

First Aid

The medical business in the United States has made tremendous progress during the past few decades. If doctors aren’t able to get to their patients fast, even the best can’t help them. A patient’s survival and long-term treatment are often determined in the initial few minutes of a medical emergency.

Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response

Natural disasters are the most likely of all potential threats. Nothing in this country can be taken for granted. If it’s not a tornado, it’s a cyclone or flood or any of the other disasters.

Craftsmanship in the Wilderness

Everything you need to know about making it through the woods, from obtaining and purifying water to starting a fire or constructing a shelter, is covered under the broad rubric of bushcraft. Many people in our society don’t know how to do these things, and it’s unfortunate. However, in many instances, the margin between life or death can be determined by these factors.


A shot at independence and self-assurance, if nothing else, would be provided by learning these abilities.