A Guide to Installing A GPS Tracker on Your Vehicle

Mar 2, 2022

If you desire the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where your car is at all times, consider installing a tracking device in it. If you reside in a high-crime region or manage a fleet of vehicles, a vehicle tracking system might be very useful for keeping an eye on your vehicle’s whereabouts.

To learn how to put a tracking system on your automobile, there are some things you must know first.

What You Need to Know

Do you intend to use the tracker primarily for anti-theft purposes for your personal belongings or for commercial purposes such as tracking a fleet of vehicles?

Battery-powered tracking devices can be more easily moved between vehicles, while hardwired models are integrated into a vehicle’s wiring harness and sit beneath its panels. This could have a significant impact on which model you choose.

Read the Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions

You’ll be able to set up your tracking gadget with the help of clear instructions. The maker and the concept determine how tracking devices work. Latitude and longitude coordinates are sent to a nearby satellite, which subsequently delivers the information back to your phone or electronic device.

The tracker should be placed in a suitable location

It shouldn’t be too difficult to choose a suitable location for your tracker. If it’s a hardwired gadget, you’ll want to install it behind the inner panels or beneath the dashboard panels.

A magnet on certain battery-powered trackers lets you secure them to the vehicle’s chassis, which is important for fleet tracking because the same vehicle isn’t necessarily dispatched every time. You’ll need to remove some panels to get to the three-wire tracker wiring.

Set up a Power Supply

With a GPS tracker, you’ll have the option of using a rechargeable battery or plugging it into the OBD socket of your vehicle.

The ignition wire, which powers your GPS continuously in three-wire installations, must be located by disassembling various panels.

Remove the battery’s negative terminal

If you’re using a GPS tracker that has white, red, and black wires, you can connect them to the ignition column by looping them together and then use a multimeter to make sure that there is always electricity flowing to your device.

The black wire is negative, the white is neutral, and the red is positive. Please make certain that they are all properly looped. With a diagram of the vehicle’s wiring, it’s easier to know where your wires go.

Make Use of A Tracking App For Your Mobile Device

You may use an app on your smartphone to track your vehicle’s whereabouts using GPS tracking technologies. To locate your vehicle, download the app and follow the on-screen instructions.

Real-Time Tracking of Your Automobile

Using the tracking device’s app, you can see where the GPS signal is coming from in real-time. You may now track your car’s whereabouts at any point by using an app or sending an SMS.


It doesn’t matter why you want to know where your car is at all times; it’s simple to monitor your vehicle, and you should not feel like you’re going overboard.