Deer Hunting

Mar 20, 2022

Hello, friends welcome back to the KB ways of survival, today I would like to talk to you about a deer hunting trip that I went on. I was in Washington County Pennsylvania it was snowing that morning, a little chilly about 32 degrees, the ground was covered with snow, and snow is still coming down, it was very quiet, just very serene, and peaceful, I had parked my pickup truck alongside the road on top of a hill. It’s 6 AM, still dark, I got my camouflage insulated coveralls on, orange vest and hat, gloves, and my rifle, and then I walked down into the valley probably 200 yards down the hill to the valley below. There was a Deer Trail, very heavily traveled with fresh tracks. I thought that I might post alongside the Deer Trail just to see if something would come along. It just became daylight about 7:00 AM the snow made everything very quiet, the fresh snow on the ground made it easier to see through the woods anything moving it’s much easier to see with snow on the ground, I could see for a distance of maybe 1/4 mile which it may be over 1000 feet to 1500 feet something like that, and when it became about 8:00 a.m. the silence was broken, I can hear the deer coming or something, then three whitetails Doe cross the trail, I could have had a shot at any one of these whitetail Doe, but I decided to wait because I was waiting on the big buck, whitetail deer, that is what I am hunting today. as the doe passed, they were moving slowly not alarmed just as they normally would move in the woods maybe 10 minutes later a whitetail buck did appear on the trail, He was about 100 yards from where I was posted I could see him clearly through the scope of my 30 30 cal. rifle, he had a big, tall rack he was only a six-point but a very nice sized rack and he was a very large deer also., I pulled the hammer back, took a deep breath and I exhaled as I put the crosshairs on him, squeeze the trigger, and dropped him with one shot just behind the front shoulder on his right side, I was very excited as I walked up to him and saw how big he was. Field dressed at 200 pounds which is quite a large whitetail deer for this area, So I laid my hand on him and gave thanks to the Lord for providing such a fine animal, proceeded to gut him, this you must do after taking an animal to preserve the meat. Then I realized that my truck was parked up on top of the hill which would make it very difficult to try to drag the deer up the steep hill to the truck, oh this was not good. there was no possible way that I could bring my truck to the deer, so I had to find an alternative way as I searched the area. I found an old set of railroad tracks leading down into the valley, most railroad tracks crossroads, so I decided to start dragging the deer down the tracks until I found a road that crossed the tracks. which was approximately over 2 miles away and it took me over 4 hours to drag the deer that far, then I had to go back to my truck, get in my truck and drive to the location of the crossing was the deer was, to pick the deer up. I had entered a Buck poll at work, whoever had the largest deer with the largest rack would win the buck polla.m. Hello, friends welcome back to the KB ways of survival, today I would like to talk to you about a deer hunting trip that I went on. I was in Washington County Pennsylvania it was snowing that morning, a little chilly about 32 degrees, the ground was covered with snow, and snow is still coming down, it was very quiet, just very serene, and peaceful, I had parked my pickup truck alongside the road on top of a hill. It’s 6 AM, still dark, I got my camouflage insulated coveralls on, orange vest and hat, gloves, and my rifle, and then I walked down into the valley probably 200 yards down the hill to the valley below. There was a Deer Trail, very heavily traveled with fresh tracks. I thought that I might post alongside the Deer Trail just to see if something would come along. It just became daylight about 7:00 AM the snow made everything very quiet, the fresh snow on the ground made it easier to see through the woods anything moving it’s much easier to see with snow on the ground, I could see for a distance of maybe 1/4 mile which it may be over 1000 feet to 1500 feet something like that, and when it became about 8:00 o’clock in the morning the silence was broken, I can hear the deer coming or something, then three whitetails Doe cross the trail, I could have had a shot at any one of these whitetail Doe, but I decided to wait because I was waiting on the big buck, whitetail deer, that is what I am hunting today. as the doe passed, they were moving slowly not alarmed just as they normally would move in the woods maybe 10 minutes later a whitetail buck did appear on the trail, He was about 100 yards from where I was posted I could see him clearly through the scope of my 30 30 cal. rifle, he had a big, tall rack he was only a six-point but a very nice sized rack and he was a very large deer also., I pulled the hammer back, took a deep breath and I exhaled as I put the crosshairs on him, squeeze the trigger, and dropped him with one shot just behind the front shoulder on his right side, I was very excited as I walked up to him and saw how big he was. Field dressed at 200 pounds which is quite a large whitetail deer for this area, So I laid my hand on him and gave thanks to the Lord for providing such a fine animal, proceeded to gut him, this you must do after taking an animal to preserve the meat. Then I realized that my truck was parked up on top of the hill which would make it very difficult to try to drag the deer up the steep hill to the truck, oh this was not good. there was no possible way that I could bring my truck to the deer, so I had to find an alternative way as I searched the area. I found an old set of railroad tracks leading down into the valley, most railroad tracks crossroads, so I decided to start dragging the deer down the tracks until I found a road that crossed the tracks. which was approximately over 2 miles away and it took me over 4 hours to drag the deer that far, then I had to go back to my truck, get in my truck and drive to the location of the crossing was the deer was, to pick the deer up. I had entered a Buck poll at work, whoever had the largest deer with the largest rack would win the buck poll. I was very proud of the size of the rack on this deer, and I measured it, it was 21 inches high 18 inches wide at the bridge, and of course with the weight of it surely, I would win the Buck poll, and as I presented it, my friends, at work, I opened up the tailgate and they saw the size of this deer they just could not believe how big it was. Yes, I did win $200 that helped with the butchering processing and I had the head mounted. My Trophy Buck. in that area where I was hunting in Washington County, Pennsylvania there is a lot of deer down there, a lot of farmlands, the deer was corn fed. I found that in the belly whenever I gutted it. That was a good day, it was a good hunt, I wasn’t out there very long and something like that comes along. Some days I am out there every day, and you see nothing, but you’ll never see anything if you’re not out there. You can’t see it from your living room, you must be out in the woods to see it, and it’s just being at the right place at the right time. that’s my story for today thank you for reading this until next time we share again thank you and God bless you with a safe Hunt.